male parent

美 [meɪl ˈperənt]英 [meɪl ˈpeərənt]
  • 父本
male parentmale parent


a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father)
his father was born in Atlanta
Synonym: father begetter


  1. Theory and Technique of Supplementary Pollination ⅰ . Flowering and Pollen Shedding of the Male Parent


  2. When PH85-16 is the parent , it is mainly influenced by the male parent .


  3. Male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse .


  4. Study on tissue culture of watermelon ' Jing Xin No.1 ' male parent


  5. Well , exclusive care by the male parent is much less common , but it does occur .


  6. The Influence of Male Parent Type on the Variance of Main Agronomic Traits in F_2


  7. Additive effect of male parent was more important to the heredity of skin color and tuber shape .


  8. Two genetic linkage maps were constructed using markers segregating in the female or the male parent .


  9. Significant differences in yield traits and seed oil content were observed among the two female and the five male parent groups .


  10. S4 could produce S4-370 , the characteristic band of the male parent ;


  11. Evaluation of Cold Tolerance of Early Two-line Hybrid Rice Male Parent 996 at Booting and Flowering Stages


  12. Human reproduction needs men and women need male parent plant and plant hybrid mother , and neither is dispensable .


  13. Study on hybrid seed production technique of B.napus in spring-sowing ⅵ technique for enhancing growth vigour of male parent


  14. Male parent , 87-122-4 , is selected from Xiaojixin , a Shanghai local determinate variety .


  15. There are extremely significant positive correlation between grain protein in F 1 and male parent 、 mid parent value 、 low parent ;


  16. The effect of alien cytoplasms on chromosome mating is different because of the different genetic determinant of male parent .


  17. Principal component analysis was carried out to study the slaughtering performance of cross combinations using Anas platyrhynchos as male parent .


  18. From the economic effect of weight gain and the whole Limousin cattle Fl is to improve the local cattle in the best male parent .


  19. A groundnut variety with resistance to Aspergillus flavus was used as the male parent to breed 5 new groundnut varieties .


  20. However , triploid hybrid watermelon seed was mainly that tetraploid as female parent cross the normal diploid as male parent to obtain .


  21. Boer goat as one of the most excellent table purpose breeds , is usually used as the terminal male parent when improving our country 's goat breeds .


  22. The larger gca variances of female parent compared with that of male parent suggested that the female parent is much more important in sugarcane breeding for biomass .


  23. The flower bud died , the flower did not bloom under high temperature and short pollen grain life of the male parent were the most important factors to decrease the bearing rate .


  24. The new pea line , 8710-2 is bred by Dingxi Dryland Farming Research and Extension Center , using 77-441 as female parent , Qing-1 as male parent .


  25. The map of male parent included 16 linkage groups and located 200 markers , covered total map length of 2545.3 cM , and average distance between markers was 12.8 cM .


  26. Zhen-Yu 29A was developed by using IR 29 as male parent and Zhen-Shan 97A ( B ) as recurrent patent .


  27. Through stepwise regression and correlation analysis , the result indicated that most important factor for single head weight of F1 generation is female parent 's whole plant weight and male parent 's growth period ;


  28. A high starch maize hybrid " Jipin 7 " was obtained using " Q9563-1 " as female parent and " G9716 " as male parent .


  29. The new sugarcane variety YT00-236 was bred from female parent YN73-204 and male parent CP72-1210 by Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute .


  30. And now there 's research showing that for some of the birds ' dinosaur relatives , it 's likely that the male parent was also in charge of taking care of the eggs .
